Obion County Board of Education
September 6, 2016

Agenda Item: V. & VIII.

Preliminary Matters
Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Chair Pro Tem of the Board
Consent Agenda

Preliminary Matters:

We will hold the September 6, 2016, Board meeting at Black Oak School at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the meeting, the school will provide a meal beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Items of Note:

On September 15, school will be dismissed before lunch (1/2 day) for parent-teacher conference. The conference will be from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Election of Officers (Item V.):

In accordance with Board Policy #1.200, “At the first regular meeting in September each year, the Board shall organize by electing a chairman and a vice chairman to serve one-year terms or until a successor is named”.

Board Policy #1.201 provides for the election of a chair pro tem stating “A chair pro tem shall be elected to preside during a meeting when neither the chair nor the vice chair is present”.

Board Policy #1.105 provides, “The Board shall annually select one (1) of its members to serve as its representative to the Tennessee Legislative Network (TLN)”. By motion of the Board in prior years, the Chair Pro Tem has assumed the role of the Board’s representative to the Tennessee Legislative Network (TLN).

Consent Agenda (Item VII.):

The consent agenda consists of the monthly personnel report, the report of substitute teachers, and the monthly financial reports/business activity.

In addition, as of 08/29/2016 the following item(s) has/have been removed from the technology inventory system and taken to the Obion County Recycling Center:

(10) projectors 
(08) printers
(09) computers
(03) monitors
(10) laptops
(01) copier

All of the above equipment was in non-working condition or of no value due to usage and age. A document describing the equipment is attached.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of all items listed on the consent agenda.